Can You Exercise Your Way To Younger Skin?

May 19, 2019 / 7:45 am

The basics of anti-aging skin care have been proven: retinol, vitamin c and sunscreen every day. But what about exercise?

The New York Times examines a Canadian study that shows regular exercise changes the actual structure of the skin, not just the appearance.

“They found that after age 40, the men and women who exercised frequently had markedly thinner, healthier stratum corneums and thicker dermis layers in their skin. Their skin was much closer in composition to that of the 20- and 30-year-olds than to that of others of their age, even if they were past age 65.”

Sounds amazing, let’s all get to the gym!

Here are a few tips to get the most skin benefits from your workout:

  1. Drink an extra 8oz. of water for every hour of exercise.
  2. Remove your makeup before you workout.
  3. If you are prone to acne on your chest and back, wear sweat wicking fabrics and shower as soon as possible after your workout.
  4. Wear water resistant SPF AND a hat if you workout outdoors. UVA rays are present whenever there is sunlight.

Pick an exercise you enjoy. There are so many options when it comes to moving your body; if it makes you happy your stress level will decrease and your complexion will benefit!

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